বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পশ্চিমবঙ্গে প্রাপ্ত পিয়েরিডি গোত্রের প্রজাপতির তালিকা

উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে

এই পাতাটিতে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে প্রাপ্ত পিয়েরিডি গোত্রের প্রজাপতিদের বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম এবং ছবিসহ নথিভুক্ত করা হল।পশ্চিমবঙ্গে এখনও পর্যন্ত ৩৯টির প্রজাতি সন্ধান পাওয়া গেছে।[১]

Species: Catopsilia pomona (lemon emigrant or common emigrant)

Subspecies: Catopsilia pomona pomona (Oriental lemon emigrant)

Species: Catopsilia pyranthe (mottled emigrant)

Subspecies: Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe (Oriental mottled emigrant)

Genus: Eurema (grass yellows)

Species: Eurema andersonii (one-spot grass yellow)

Subspecies: Eurema andersonii jordani (Sikkim one-spot grass yellow or Jordan's grass yellow)

Species: Eurema hecabe (common grass yellow)

Subspecies: Eurema hecabe hecabe (Oriental common grass yellow)

Subspecies: Gandaca harina assamica (Assam tree yellow)

Tribe: Anthocharidini

Species: Hebomoia glaucippe (great orange-tip)

Subspecies: Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe (Oriental great orange-tip)

Tribe: Leptosiaini

Subspecies: Leptosia nina nina (Oriental psyche)

Tribe: Pierini

Species: Appias albina (common albatross)

Subspecies: Appias albina darada (Sylhet common albatross)

Subspecies: Appias lalage lalage (Himalayan spot puffin)

Species: Appias libythea (western striped albatross) (ধুলকাপাস)
Species: Appias lyncida (chocolate albatross)

Subspecies: Appias lyncida eleonora (Indo-Chinese chocolate albatross)

Genus: Delias (Jezebels)

Species: Delias acalis (redbreast Jezebel)

Subspecies: Delias acalis pyramus (Himalayan redbreast Jezebel)

Subspecies: Delias agostina agostina (Sikkim yellow Jezebel)

Subspecies: Delias belladonna ithiela (Sikkim hill Jezebel)

Species: Delias descombesi (red-spot Jezebel)

Subspecies: Delias descombesi descombesi (Vietnamese red-spot Jezebel)

Species: Delias hyparete (painted Jezebel)

Subspecies: Delias hyparete indica (Indian painted Jezebel)

Subspecies: Delias pasithoe pasithoe (Chinese red-base Jezebel)

Subspecies: Prioneris philonome clemanthe (Myanmarese redspot sawtooth)

Subspecies: Prioneris thestylis thestylis (Himalayan spotted sawtooth)

Tribe: Teracolini

Subspecies: Ixias pyrene familiaris (east Himalayan yellow orange-tip)


  1. Dāśagupta, Yudhājit̲̲̲̲̲̲a (২০০৬)। Paścimabaṅgera prajāpati (1. saṃskaraṇa. সংস্করণ)। Kalakātā: Ānanda। পৃষ্ঠা 37। আইএসবিএন 81-7756-558-3 
  • Evans, W.H. (1932) The Identification of Indian Butterflies. (2nd Ed), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India
  • Gay,Thomas; Kehimkar,Isaac & Punetha,J.C.(1992) Common Butterflies of India. WWF-India and Oxford University Press, Mumbai, India.
  • Haribal, Meena (1994) Butterflies of Sikkim Himalaya and their Natural History.
  • Kunte,Krushnamegh (2005) Butterflies of Peninsular India. Universities Press.
  • Wynter-Blyth, M.A. (1957) Butterflies of the Indian Region, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.