টেমপ্লেট:ইন্টারনেট আর্কাইভ লেখক
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Internet Archive author is a template to generate links to Internet Archive for works by or about a person. It is similar in purpose to {{Gutenberg author}} and {{Librivox author}} though not limited to authors. Musicians, film directors, etc.. any person or entity with a work on Archive.org
The template is used like this:
==External links== * {{Internet Archive author |sname=Full name}}
- The full name (without honorifics). For example:
- For E. E. Smith:
|sname=Edward Elmer Smith
(expand abbreviations) - For Abraham Brill:
|sname=Abraham Arden Brill
(include middle name) - For Sir Charles Dilke, 2nd Baronet:
|sname=Charles Dilke
(remove honorifics)
- For E. E. Smith:
- The template works without sname because it defaults to the article title, however this is not recommended because article titles might change in the future for dab reasons. Thus, lock in the search name by hard coding sname.
- If it's returning many false positives (works by other authors), try the sopt=t option to tighten the search. For example:
{{Internet Archive author |sname=Gyula Krúdy|birth=1878|death=1933}}
- Results in many false positives (bad).
{{Internet Archive author |sname=Gyula Krúdy|birth=1878|death=1933|sopt=t}}
- Result has no false negatives and no false positives (good).
- Tightened search has the danger of creating false negatives. Thus always compare, as above, before using sopt=t .. the goal is to have zero false negatives while creating as few false postives as possible. See section below Tips on searching.
- If no birth-death dates are generated in the URL (ie. missing dates on Wikidata), they can be hard coded in the template using the birth-death options (see below).
- If the name has multiple spellings use the custom search option. Example for Jakob Böhme:
{{Internet Archive author |search=( (Jacob OR Jakob) AND (Böhme OR Bohme OR Behmen OR Boehme) )}}
- More examples in the Custom search and Tips on searching sections below.
Optional parameters
[সম্পাদনা]- sname: Change the search name only. The name used when searching IA.
- Useful when the article title is a shortened version of the name.
- Example for Benjamin W. Wells:
{{Internet Archive author |sname=Benjamin Willis Wells}}
- yields better search results. - Example for Benjamin Farjeon:
{{Internet Archive author |sname=Benjamin Leopold Farjeon}}
- yields better search results.
- Example for Benjamin W. Wells:
- Or when a refined search is needed:
- Example for Constantine the Great:
{{Internet Archive author|sname=Constantine I}}
- This yields better search results. - Example for Olympiodorus of Thebes:
{{Internet Archive author|sname=Olympiodorus}}
- Middle names of "the", "of" etc.. are often - though not always - better removed with sname. Test to see which returns the best results.
- Example for Constantine the Great:
- dname: Change the display name only.
- name: Change both the display & search name. Normally defaults to the page title. Useful in a number of scenarios:
- The page title is the real name of the person, but on Internet Archive it uses their pseudonym.
- Example for Berta Behrens aka "W. Heimburg":
{{Internet Archive author |name=W. Heimburg}}
- Example for Berta Behrens aka "W. Heimburg":
- To search on multiple names such as multiple pseudonyms, use multiple instances of the template. Or see custom search below.
- birth: Change the birth year. Normally defaults to the year found in Wikidata. If no dates are showing in the search string, and there is an available birth date for the article, it means Wikidata is missing. You can either 1. Update Wikidata (recommended) or 2. Use the birth option in the template. The Wikidata page for Joseph Conrad shows an example entity that has complete data. For incomplete entities, the Property for birth is P569 and Property for death is P570 and can be added by clicking "Add" at the bottom of the "Statements" section.
- death: Change the death year. See comments for birth.
- Example for Albert Einstein:
{{Internet Archive author |name=Albert Einstein|birth=1879|death=1955}}
- Example for Albert Einstein:
- media: Specify a media collection(s) to search. Default is all of them: texts audio video
- Example for Edward Elgar:
{{Internet Archive author |media=texts audio}}
- Example for Edward Elgar:
- coda: Special message at end.
- Example for Claude Hagège:
{{Internet Archive author |media=texts|coda=(scanned books)}}
- কর্তৃক কাজ বা সম্পর্কে তথ্য Claude Hagège ইন্টারনেট আর্কাইভে (scanned books)
- Example for Claude Hagège:
- search: Custom search string. See section below for examples. No options work when using custom search, options must be hand coded in the search string.
- sopt: Search options:
- sopt=t (or sopt=tight):
- This will make a more specific "tight" search reducing false positives, but at the risk of creating false negatives. Always compare results with and without a tight search.
- sopt=tx:
- Used when a name contains extended-ascii (ie. accented letters) such as "Stéphane Mallarmé", and sopt=t still gives too many false positives. This option is used very rarely (in 9,000 names it was needed only a dozen times). It can create false negatives when used incorrectly, always compare results without first.
- sopt=t (or sopt=tight):
BC dates
[সম্পাদনা]Currently the script does not automatically determine if a date is AD or BC eg. Category:63 BC births. This won't matter too much when searching Internet Archive. When setting dates via the options above, leave off AD/BC designator.
Custom search
[সম্পাদনা]It is possible to use a custom search. This is mainly useful when a person is known by multiple names, but also other scenarios (see examples).
A custom search is surrounded by () parenthesis when passed to the template. If Internet Archive returns an error about the 'search engine not working and try again later', it typically means the search parameter isn't enclosed in ()'s or the search string is otherwise malformed or has a syntax error.
Example custom searches:
- For Ælfric of Eynsham, this works:
{{Internet Archive author |search=("Abbot of Eynsham" OR "Ælfric of Eynsham" OR "Aelfric of Eynsham")}}
- ..but this is easier and better results:
{{Internet Archive author |search=( Eynsham AND (Abbot OR Ælfric OR Aelfric ) )}}
- For Basil Valentine:
{{Internet Archive author |search=("Basil Valentine" OR "Basilius Valentinus")}}
- For Aylmer and Louise Maude:
{{Internet Archive author |search=(Maude AND (Aylmer OR Louise))}}
- Searches for both "Aylmer Maude" and "Louise Maude"
- For Saint Augustine:
{{Internet Archive author|search=("Bishop of Hippo" OR "Saint Augustine" OR "Augustine, Saint" OR "Aurelius Augustine" OR "Aurelius, Augustine" OR "Saint Austin" OR "Austin, Saint")}}
Tips on searching
[সম্পাদনা]The goal when searching Internet Archive is to have zero missed works (false negatives or FN) and as few works by other authors (false positives or FP) as it takes to reach the goal of 0 FN. In most searches there will be some FP because it's unavoidable when searching 7+ million works. However the question is how many FP. Typically if the number of FP are 20% or less of the total results it is acceptable.
Here are some techniques to create searches that have 0 FN's and few (though not 0) FPs.
1. Many people have multiple names (birth name, pseudonyms, abbreviated names). Create template entries for each name, including a mirror template for each one using sopt=t. Preview the article - for each template entry click through to Internet Archive and note the total number of results at the top of the page. Scroll through and look for correct results and see which gives the most. Then scroll through and look for false positives (they usually appear towards the end of the list. This works best in the non-Beta site since search terms are highlighted in the search results.) Often if the sopt=t and non sopt=t entry give very different total result numbers, then sopt=t is the best choice. Once the best template entry is determined, delete the rest from the article and save. It's important to do this preview method in the article itself and not a temp page so that dates work correctly.
2. If technique #1 doesn't work you may need to build a custom search. See the custom search section for examples, but here are some general rules of thumb. Keep in mind searches are literal strings, and if the search term has multiple words it should be surrounded in quotes.
- For a 3-word name where each word has multiple possibilities:
|sname=( (first OR first} AND (middle OR middle) AND (last OR last) )
- Most of the time there is usually only 1 word that multiple possibilities so something like:
|sname=( first AND (last OR last) )
- If there are still problems, consider including book titles in the search:
|sname=( first AND (last OR last) AND ("book 1" OR "book 2")
- This technique is prone to false negatives since there may be journals or anthologies not known about ahead of time.
- For a 3-word name where each word has multiple possibilities:
Example output
[সম্পাদনা]The script output is best shown by example. The following use name, birth and death parameters so it will work on this page; in practice this information is obtained automatically from Wikidata and no date parameters are needed.
2-word name
- {{Internet Archive author|name=Charles Dickens|birth=1812|death=1870}}
- Results in:
- ইন্টারনেট আর্কাইভে Charles Dickens কর্তৃক কাজ বা সম্পর্কে তথ্য
- Generated search string:
(subject:"Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870" OR subject:"Dickens, Charles" OR subject:"Charles Dickens, 1812-1870" OR subject:"Charles Dickens" OR creator:"Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870" OR creator:"Dickens, Charles" OR creator:"Charles Dickens, 1812-1870" OR creator:"Charles Dickens" OR title:"Charles Dickens" OR description:"Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870" OR description:"Dickens, Charles" OR description:"Charles Dickens, 1812-1870" OR description:"Charles Dickens")
- Generated search string:
- Internet Archive often uses the author's date of birth/death in the metadata.
3-word name
- {{Internet Archive author|name=Harriet Beecher Stowe|birth=1811|death=1896}}
- Results in:
- ইন্টারনেট আর্কাইভে Harriet Beecher Stowe কর্তৃক কাজ বা সম্পর্কে তথ্য
- Generated search string:
(subject:"Stowe, Harriet Beecher" OR subject:"Stowe, Harriet B." OR subject:"Stowe, H. B." OR subject:"Harriet Beecher Stowe" OR subject:"Harriet B. Stowe" OR subject:"H. B. Stowe" OR subject:"Stowe, Harriet" OR subject:"Harriet Stowe" OR creator:"Harriet Beecher Stowe" OR creator:"Harriet B. Stowe" OR creator:"H. B. Stowe" OR creator:"H. Beecher Stowe" OR creator:"Stowe, Harriet Beecher" OR creator:"Stowe, Harriet B." OR creator:"Stowe, H. B." OR creator:"Stowe, H. Beecher" OR creator:"Harriet Stowe" OR creator:"Stowe, Harriet" OR title:"Harriet Beecher Stowe" OR title:"Harriet B. Stowe" OR title:"H. B. Stowe" OR title:"Harriet Stowe" OR description:"Harriet Beecher Stowe" OR description:"Harriet B. Stowe" OR description:"H. B. Stowe" OR description:"Stowe, Harriet Beecher" OR description:"Stowe, Harriet B." OR description:"Harriet Stowe" OR description:"Stowe, Harriet")
- Generated search string:
- Three words creates many more possible combinations.
4-word name
- {{Internet Archive author|name=Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey|birth=1711|death=1797}}
- Results in:
- ইন্টারনেট আর্কাইভে Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey কর্তৃক কাজ বা সম্পর্কে তথ্য
- Generated search string:
(subject:"Formey, Johann Heinrich Samuel, 1711-1797" OR subject:"Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey" OR creator:"Formey, Johann Heinrich Samuel, 1711-1797" OR creator:"Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey" OR creator:"Formey, J. H. S." OR title:"Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey" OR description:"Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey" OR Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey)
- Generated search string:
2-word name, missing DOB or DOD with accented characters
- {{Internet Archive author|name=Claude Hagège|birth=1936}}
- Results in:
- কর্তৃক কাজ বা সম্পর্কে তথ্য Claude Hagège ইন্টারনেট আর্কাইভে
- Generated search string:
(subject:"Hagège, Claude" OR subject:"Claude Hagège" OR creator:"Hagège, Claude" OR creator:"Claude Hagège" OR title:"Claude Hagège" OR description:"Hagège, Claude" OR description:"Claude Hagège" OR Claude Hag*ge)
- Generated search string:
- Accented characters ("è") may exist on Internet Archive as "e" and thus a wildcard (*) search is initiated in the last statement.
[সম্পাদনা]- The script produces an optimized Internet Archive search string. By way of background, Internet Archive metadata is inconsistent. This is because the works are entered into the catalog by thousands of independent entities (libraries, persons, etc). Each may choose to use some metadata fields or not others. And the field contents are inconsistent, for example there are many ways to enter a 3-word name (John H. Smith, J.H. Smith, "Smith, J. H. (1900-1970)", etc.. ). Thus, simply entering a name into the IA search box will often miss many works that are cataloged under other variations, or in different fields besides author name. The search strategy used in this script is based on the number of words in a name so that various combination possibilities can be built.
- For technical notes see the Lua source code.
- The produced URL is Protocol Relative. See WP:PRURL.
- Internet Archive as of 2015 has two sites, a regular and Beta. The regular site uses the Lucene search engine for which this module is optimized. The Beta site uses Elasticsearch which will probably have different search syntax once it goes live sometime in the future. It may impact articles using the custom search switch.
আরও দেখুন
[সম্পাদনা]- "Works By" Project to add this template to articles via semi-automated scripts
- External Link Discovery - tool for finding articles in need of this and other author templates.
- {{Internet Archive}} - general purpose IA search not limited to books. Uses a simple search not as accurate.
- {{OL author}} - includes copyright books. OL is a book catalog, not a book repository (an opensource WorldCat)