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উইকিপিডিয়া:উইকিপ্রকল্প চিকিৎসাবিদ্যা/গবেষণা প্রকাশনা

উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে

This is a list of academic articles related to the coverage of medicine on Wikipedia. For general academic articles see Academic studies of Wikipedia. For popular media coverage of Wikipedia's medical content see the popular media list.

  • Mietchen, Daniel; Wodak, Shoshana; Wasik, Szymon; Szostak, Natalia; Dessimoz, Christophe (৩১ মে ২০১৮)। "Submit a Topic Page to PLOS Computational Biology and Wikipedia"। PLOS Computational Biology14 (5): e1006137। ডিওআই:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006137 
  • Holtz, Peter; Fetahu, Besnik; Kimmerle, Joachim (১০ মে ২০১৮)। "Effects of Contributor Experience on the Quality of Health-Related Wikipedia Articles"। Journal of Medical Internet Research20 (5): e171। ডিওআই:10.2196/jmir.9683 
  • Antonio Mouriño García, Marcos; Pérez Rodríguez, Roberto; Anido Rifón, Luis (মে ২০১৮)। "Leveraging Wikipedia knowledge to classify multilingual biomedical documents"। Artificial Intelligence in Medicineডিওআই:10.1016/j.artmed.2018.04.007 
  • Modiri, Omeed; Guha, Daipayan; Alotaibi, Naif M.; Ibrahim, George M.; Lipsman, Nir; Fallah, Aria (মার্চ ২০১৮)। "Readability and quality of wikipedia pages on neurosurgical topics"। Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery166: 66–70। ডিওআই:10.1016/j.clineuro.2018.01.021 
  • Brigo, F.; Lattanzi, S.; Bragazzi, N.; Nardone, R.; Moccia, M.; Lavorgna, L. (ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮)। "Why do people search Wikipedia for information on multiple sclerosis?"। Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders20: 210–214। ডিওআই:10.1016/j.msard.2018.02.001 
  • Brigo, Francesco; Lattanzi, Simona; Giussani, Giorgia; Tassi, Laura; Pietrafusa, Nicola; Galimberti, Carlo Andrea; Nardone, Raffaele; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Mecarelli, Oriano (এপ্রিল ২০১৮)। "Italian Wikipedia and epilepsy: An infodemiological study of online information-seeking behavior"। Epilepsy & Behavior81: 119–122। ডিওআই:10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.01.037 
  • Mahroum, Naim; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Sharif, Kassem; Gianfredi, Vincenza; Nucci, Daniele; Rosselli, Roberto; Brigo, Francesco; Adawi, Mohammad; Amital, Howard; Watad, Abdulla (জুন ২০১৮)। "Leveraging Google Trends, Twitter, and Wikipedia to Investigate the Impact of a Celebrityʼs Death From Rheumatoid Arthritis"। JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology24 (4): 188–192। ডিওআই:10.1097/RHU.0000000000000692 
  • Tackett, Sean; Gaglani, Shiv; Heilman, James; Azzam, Amin (২২ এপ্রিল ২০১৮)। "The reCAPTCHA of medical education"। Medical Teacher: 1–3। ডিওআই:10.1080/0142159X.2018.1460463 
  1. Maggio, LA; Willinsky, JM; Steinberg, RM; Mietchen, D; Wass, JL; Dong, T (২০১৭)। "Wikipedia as a gateway to biomedical research: The relative distribution and use of citations in the English Wikipedia."। PloS one12 (12): e0190046। ডিওআই:10.1371/journal.pone.0190046পিএমআইডি 29267345বিবকোড:2017PLoSO..1290046M 
  2. Church, Dawson; Feinstein, David (আগস্ট ২০১৭)। "The Manual Stimulation of Acupuncture Points in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques"। Medical Acupuncture29 (4): 194–205। ডিওআই:10.1089/acu.2017.1213 
    "In the early 2000s, a group of professional skeptics assumed control of the Wikipedia entries on complementary and alternative medicine..."
  3. Shafee, Thomas; Das, Diptanshu; Masukume, Gwinyai; Häggström, Mikael (২০১৭-০১-১৫)। "WikiJournal of Medicine, the first Wikipedia-integrated academic journal"WikiJournal of Medicine4 (1)। ডিওআই:10.15347/wjm/2017.001 
  4. Mandler, Michael D. (২৬ জানুয়ারি ২০১৭)। "Glaring Chemical Errors Persist for Years on Wikipedia"Journal of Chemical Educationআইএসএসএন 0021-9584ডিওআই:10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00478বিবকোড:2017JChEd..94..271M 
  5. Shafee, Thomas; Mietchen, Daniel; Su, Andrew I. (২০১৭-০৮-১১)। "Academics can help shape Wikipedia"Science357 (6351): 557–558। ডিওআই:10.1126/science.aao0462পিএমআইডি 28798122বিবকোড:2017Sci...357..557S। ২০১৭-১০-২৯ তারিখে মূল থেকে আর্কাইভ করা। 
  6. Shafee, Thomas; Masukume, Gwinyai; Kipersztok, Lisa; Das, Diptanshu; Häggström, Mikael; Heilman, James (২০১৭-১০-২৯)। "The evolution of Wikipedia's medical content: past, present and future"Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health71 (10)। ডিওআই:10.1136/jech-2016-208601 

  1. James, Richard (২০১৬)। "WikiProject Medicine: Creating Credibility in Consumer Health"। Journal of Hospital Librarianship16 (4): 344–351। আইএসএসএন 1532-3269ডিওআই:10.1080/15323269.2016.1221284 
  2. Azzam, Amin; Bresler, David; Leon, Armando; Maggio, Lauren; Whitaker, Evans; Heilman, James; Orlowitz, Jake; Swisher, Valerie; Rasberry, Lane; Otoide, Kingsley; Trotter, Fred; Ross, Will; McCue, Jack D. (২০১৬)। "Why Medical Schools Should Embrace Wikipedia"Academic Medicine: 1। আইএসএসএন 1040-2446ডিওআই:10.1097/ACM.0000000000001381 
  3. Conell, J (ডিসেম্বর ২০১৬)। "Online information seeking by patients with bipolar disorder: results from an international multisite survey."। International journal of bipolar disorders4 (1): 17। পিএমআইডি 2755281333% preferred Wikipedia 
  4. Back, DA; Behringer, F; Haberstroh, N; Ehlers, JP; Sostmann, K; Peters, H (২০ আগস্ট ২০১৬)। "Learning management system and e-learning tools: an experience of medical students' usage and expectations."। International journal of medical education7: 267–73। পিএমআইডি 27544782The participants valued lecture notes (73.7%) and Wikipedia (74%) as their most important online sources for knowledge acquisition. 
  5. Sebelefsky, C; Voitl, J; Karner, D; Klein, F; Voitl, P; Böck, A (১৮ আগস্ট ২০১৬)। "Internet use of parents before attending a general pediatric outpatient clinic: does it change their information level and assessment of acute diseases?"। BMC pediatrics16: 129। পিএমআইডি 27538782Most common online resources utilized for this purpose are websites run by doctors (61.3 %), the outpatient clinic's homepage (56.3 %), Google (40 %), Wikipedia (32.5 %) 
  6. Saparova, D; Nolan, NS (জানুয়ারি ২০১৬)। "Evaluating the appropriateness of electronic information resources for learning."Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA104 (1): 24–32। পিএমআইডি 26807049পিএমসি 4722638অবাধে প্রবেশযোগ্যJudging by the learning outcomes, all three information resources were found appropriate for learning. (Wikipedia, AccessMedicine, UpToDate) 
  7. Torous, J; Franzan, J; O'Connor, R; Mathew, I; Keshavan, M; Kitts, R; Boland, R (ডিসেম্বর ২০১৫)। "Psychiatry Residents' Use of Educational Websites: A Pilot Survey Study."। Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry39 (6): 630–3। পিএমআইডি 26077007Residents reported utilizing online resources on average 68 % of the time, in comparison to 32 % on average for printed materials. Residents reported UpToDate, PubMed, and Wikipedia as the most visited websites and ranked each highly but for different purposes. 
  8. Masukume, Gwinyai; Heilman, James; Häggström, Mikael (২৪ মে ২০১৬)। "Why getting medical information from Wikipedia isn't always a bad idea"The Conversation। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২৬ মে ২০১৬ 
  9. Kelton (ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৬), Pulse of Online Search Survey: Initial Data (পিডিএফ), Makovsky PR, সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২৫ মার্চ ২০১৬ 
  1. Putman, T.; Burgstaller, S.; Waagmeester, A.; Wu, C.; Su, A. I.; Good, B. (২০১৫)। "Centralizing content and distributing labor: a community model for curating the very long tail of microbial genomes."। ডিওআই:10.1101/031286 
  2. Mitraka, E.; Waagmeester, A.; Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, S.; Schriml, L. M.; Su, A. I.; Good, B. M. (২০১৫)। "Wikidata: A platform for data integration and dissemination for the life sciences and beyond"। ডিওআই:10.1101/031971 
  3. Pfundner, Alexander; Schönberg, Tobias; Horn, John; Boyce, Richard D; Samwald, Matthias (৫ মে ২০১৫)। "Utilizing the Wikidata System to Improve the Quality of Medical Content in Wikipedia in Diverse Languages: A Pilot Study"। Journal of Medical Internet Research17 (5): e110। ডিওআই:10.2196/jmir.4163 
  4. Nowrouzi, Behdin; Gohar, Basem; Nowrouzi-Kia, Behnam; Garbaczewska, Martyna; Brewster, Keith (এপ্রিল ২০১৫)। "An Examination of Scope, Completeness, Credibility, and Readability of Health, Medical, and Nutritional Information on the Internet: A Comparative Study of Wikipedia, WebMD, and the Mayo Clinic Websites"। Canadian Journal of Diabetes39: S71। ডিওআই:10.1016/j.jcjd.2015.01.267  (conference abstract in journal supplement)
  5. Herbert, Verena G; Frings, Andreas; Rehatschek, Herwig; Richard, Gisbert; Leithner, Andreas (২০১৫)। "Wikipedia – challenges and new horizons in enhancing medical education"। BMC Medical Education15 (1)। আইএসএসএন 1472-6920ডিওআই:10.1186/s12909-015-0309-2পিএমআইডি 25879421 
  6. Azer, Samy A. (২০১৫)। "Is Wikipedia a reliable learning resource for medical students? Evaluating respiratory topics"। Advances in Physiology Education39 (1): 5–14। আইএসএসএন 1043-4046ডিওআই:10.1152/advan.00110.2014 
  7. Heilman, James M; West, Andrew G (২০১৫)। "Wikipedia and Medicine: Quantifying Readership, Editors, and the Significance of Natural Language"। Journal of Medical Internet Research17 (3): e62। আইএসএসএন 1438-8871ডিওআই:10.2196/jmir.4069পিএমআইডি 25739399 
  8. Venkatraman, Anand; Kumar, Nilay; Garg, Neetika (ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৫)। "Greater freedom of speech on Web 2.0 correlates with dominance of views linking vaccines to autism"। Vaccineডিওআই:10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.01.078 
  9. Murray, T. (২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৫)। "WikiProject Medicine making progress"। Canadian Medical Association Journal187 (4): 245–245। ডিওআই:10.1503/cmaj.109-4982 
  10. Brigo, F; Erro, R (১৮ জানুয়ারি ২০১৫)। "The readability of the English Wikipedia article on Parkinson's disease."। Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologyপিএমআইডি 25596713 
  11. Brigo, F; Otte, WM; Igwe, SC; Tezzon, F; Nardone, R (১৬ জানুয়ারি ২০১৫)। "Clearly written, easily comprehended? The readability of websites providing information on epilepsy."। Epilepsy & behavior : E&B44C: 35–39। পিএমআইডি 25601720 
  1. Vrandečić, Denny; Krötzsch, Markus (২০১৪)। "Wikidata: A free collaborative knowledgebase"। Communications of the ACM57 (10): 78–85। আইএসএসএন 0001-0782ডিওআই:10.1145/2629489 
  2. Egle, Jonathan P.; Smeenge, David M.; Kassem, Kamal M.; Mittal, Vijay K. (ডিসেম্বর ২০১৪)। "The Internet School of Medicine: Use of Electronic Resources by Medical Trainees and the Reliability of those Resources"। Journal of Surgical Educationডিওআই:10.1016/j.jsurg.2014.08.005 
  3. Farič, Nuša; Potts, Henry (২০১৪-১২-০৩)। "Motivations for Contributing to Health-Related Articles on Wikipedia: An Interview Study"Journal of Medical Internet Research16 (12): e260। আইএসএসএন 1438-8871ডিওআই:10.2196/jmir.3569 
  4. Messner, Marcus; DiStaso, Marcia W.; Jin, Yan; Meganck, Shana; Sherman, Scott; Norton, Sally (২০১৪)। "Influencing public opinion from corn syrup to obesity: A longitudinal analysis of the references for nutritional entries on Wikipedia"। First Monday19 (11)। আইএসএসএন 1396-0466ডিওআই:10.5210/fm.v19i11.4823 
  5. Lovis, Christian; Kräenbring, Jona; Monzon Penza, Tika; Gutmann, Joanna; Muehlich, Susanne; Zolk, Oliver; Wojnowski, Leszek; Maas, Renke; Engelhardt, Stefan; Sarikas, Antonio (২০১৪)। "Accuracy and Completeness of Drug Information in Wikipedia: A Comparison with Standard Textbooks of Pharmacology"। PLoS ONE9 (9): e106930। আইএসএসএন 1932-6203ডিওআই:10.1371/journal.pone.0106930বিবকোড:2014PLoSO...9j6930K 
  6. Norman J. Temple, Joy Fraser (মার্চ ২০১৪)। "How Accurate Are Wikipedia Articles in Health, Nutrition, and Medicine? / Les articles de Wikipédia dans les domaines de la santé, de la nutrition et de la médecine sont-ils exacts ?"Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science38 (1): 37–52। ডিওআই:10.1353/ils.2014.0000 
  7. Hwang, Thomas J.; Bourgeois, Florence T.; Seeger, John D. (২০১৪)। "Drug Safety in the Digital Age"। New England Journal of Medicine370 (26): 2460–2462। আইএসএসএন 0028-4793ডিওআই:10.1056/NEJMp1401767 
  8. Schmidt, Henk G.; Mamede, Sílvia; van den Berge, Kees; van Gog, Tamara; van Saase, Jan L.C.M.; Rikers, Remy M.J.P. (২০১৪)। "Exposure to Media Information About a Disease Can Cause Doctors to Misdiagnose Similar-Looking Clinical Cases"। Academic Medicine89 (2): 285–291। আইএসএসএন 1040-2446ডিওআই:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000107 
  9. Hasty, Robert; Garvalosa, Ryan; Barbato, Vincenzo; Valdes, Pedro; Powers, David; Hernandez, Emmanuel; John, Jones; Suciu, Gabriel; Qureshi, Farheen; Popa-Radu, Matei; San Jose, Sergio; Drexler, Nathaniel; Patankar, Rohan; Paz, Jose; King, Christopher; Gerber, Hilary; Valladares, Michael; Somji, Alyaz (২০১৪)। "Wikipedia vs Peer-Reviewed Medical Literature for Information About the 10 Most Costly Medical Conditions"। The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association114 (05): 368–373। আইএসএসএন 0098-6151ডিওআই:10.7556/jaoa.2014.035 
  10. Salathé, Marcel; McIver, David J.; Brownstein, John S. (২০১৪)। "Wikipedia Usage Estimates Prevalence of Influenza-Like Illness in the United States in Near Real-Time"। PLoS Computational Biology10 (4): e1003581। আইএসএসএন 1553-7358ডিওআই:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003581বিবকোড:2014PLSCB..10E3581M 
  11. Rasberry, L. (২০১৪)। "Wikipedia: what it is and why it matters for healthcare"। BMJ348 (apr08 3): g2478–g2478। আইএসএসএন 1756-1833ডিওআই:10.1136/bmj.g2478 
  12. Rasberry, L. (২০১৪)। "Citing Wikipedia"। BMJ348 (mar05 4): g1819–g1819। আইএসএসএন 1756-1833ডিওআই:10.1136/bmj.g1819 
  13. "Wikipedia is the single leading source of medical information for patients and healthcare professionals" IMS Health (২১ জানুয়ারি ২০১৪)। "IMS Health: Pharma Should Make Better Use of Social Media To Engage Patients and Improve the Use of Medicines"imshealth.com। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২২ জানুয়ারি ২০১৪ 
  14. Bould, M. D.; Hladkowicz, E. S.; Pigford, A.-A. E.; Ufholz, L.-A.; Postonogova, T.; Shin, E.; Boet, S. (২০১৪)। "References that anyone can edit: review of Wikipedia citations in peer reviewed health science literature"। BMJ348 (mar05 4): g1585–g1585। আইএসএসএন 1756-1833ডিওআই:10.1136/bmj.g1585 
  15. Chitu Okoli, Mohamad Mehdi, Mostafa Mesgari, Finn Årup Nielsen, Arto Lanamäki, "Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia readers and readership", Publication date 2014/4/30, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, PDF, Sections on Medicine are pp 7-8, 12-13. The paper only covers research published up to June 2011.
  16. Mostafa Mesgari, Chitu Okoli, Mohamad Mehdi, Finn Årup Nielsen, Arto Lanamäki, "The sum of all human knowledge”: A systematic review of scholarly research on the content of Wikipedia", Publication date 2014/4/30, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, PDF, This covers research on content quality etc. – medical section at pp. 6-7, readability at 9-11. Also only covers research published up to mid-2011.
  17. Phillips, Jennifer; Lam, Connie; Palmisano, Lisa (২০১৪)। "Analysis of the accuracy and readability of herbal supplement information on Wikipedia"। Journal of the American Pharmacists Association54 (4): 406–414। আইএসএসএন 1544-3191ডিওআই:10.1331/JAPhA.2014.13181  closed access publication – behind paywall
  18. Conti, Riccardo; Marzini, Emanuel; Spognardi, Angelo; Matteucci, Ilaria; Mori, Paolo; Petrocchi, Marinella (২০১৪)। "Maturity Assessment of Wikipedia Medical Articles": 281–286। ডিওআই:10.1109/CBMS.2014.69  closed access publication – behind paywall
  1. 90% of Wikipedia articles have "equivalent or better quality than their Britannica counterparts" in blind expert review
  2. Archambault, Patrick Michel; van de Belt, Tom; Grajales, Francisco; Faber, Marjan; Kuziemsky, Craig; Gagnon, Susie; Bilodeau, Andrea; Rioux, Simon; Nelen, Willianne; Gagnon, Marie-Pierre; Turgeon, Alexis; Aubin, Karine; Gold, Irving; Poitras, Julien; Eysenbach, Gunther; Kremer, Jan; Légaré, France (অক্টোবর ২০১৩)। "Wikis and Collaborative Writing Applications in Health Care: A Scoping Review"Journal of Medical Internet Research15: e210। ডিওআই:10.2196/jmir.2787 
  3. Teunis, Teun (মার্চ ২০১৩)। "The Wikipedia Guide to Medicine Could the Online Encyclopaedia Provide the Basis for a New Medical School Curriculum?"Student BMJ21: 16–17। ডিওআই:10.1136/sbmj.f1091 
  4. Allahwala, Usaid K.; Nadkarni, Aniket; Sebaratnam, Deshan F. (২০১৩)। "Wikipedia use amongst medical students – New insights into the digital revolution"। Medical Teacher35 (4): 337–337। আইএসএসএন 0142-159Xডিওআই:10.3109/0142159X.2012.737064 
  5. Azer, S. A. (২০১৪)। "Evaluation of gastroenterology and hepatology articles on Wikipedia"। European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology26 (2): 155–63। ডিওআই:10.1097/MEG.0000000000000003পিএমআইডি 24276492 
  6. Makovsky Integrated Communications (৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৩)। "Online Health Research Eclipsing Patient-Doctor Conversations"makovsky.com। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ১৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৩ 
  7. Thomas, G. R.; Eng, L.; De Wolff, J. F.; Grover, S. C. (২০১৩)। "An Evaluation of Wikipedia as a Resource for Patient Education in Nephrology"। Seminars in Dialysis26 (2): 159–63। ডিওআই:10.1111/sdi.12059পিএমআইডি 23432369 
  8. Schultz, D. S.; Brabender, V. M. (২০১৩)। "More Challenges Since Wikipedia: The Effects of Exposure to Internet Information About the Rorschach on Selected Comprehensive System Variables"। Journal of Personality Assessment95 (2): 149–158। ডিওআই:10.1080/00223891.2012.725438পিএমআইডি 23030722 
  9. Kolski, D; Arlt, S; Birk, S; Heuwieser, W (২০১৩)। "Use and acceptance of Wiki systems for students of veterinary medicine."। GMS Zeitschrift fur medizinische Ausbildung30 (1): Doc10। ডিওআই:10.3205/zma000853পিএমআইডি 23467415 
  10. "Online encyclopedia provides free health info for all"Bulletin of the World Health Organization91 (1): 8–9। ১ জানুয়ারি ২০১৩। ডিওআই:10.2471/BLT.13.030113পিএমআইডি 23397345পিএমসি 3537258অবাধে প্রবেশযোগ্য 
  11. McVey, Ruaidhrí M.; Clarke, Eric; Joyce, Pauline; Turner, Michael; Gannon, Michael J. (২০১৩)। "Toward a wiki guide for obstetrics and gynecology trainees in Ireland"। International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics120 (3): 301–306। আইএসএসএন 0020-7292ডিওআই:10.1016/j.ijgo.2012.10.017 
  12. Faric, Nusa, Potts, Henry। "Motivations for Contributing to Health-Related Articles on Wikipedia: An Interview Study"। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ১৬ জুন ২০১৪  (Conference paper)
  13. Thomas Roessing: The Dispute over Filtering “indecent” Images in Wikipedia. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology Issue: 2/2013, PDF (won't open?) - includes, per The Signpost: "the results of a small web-based experiment where 163 participants were randomly shown one of three versions of the article de:Furunkel (boil): Either without images, or with a "neutral image", or "with a somewhat disgusting image of an infected boil." The author states that "The most interesting results for the Wikipedia community is that the disgusting image enhances the perceived quality of the article: It is perceived to be more fascinating (p=.023) and more worth reading (p=.032) than an article without any image."
  1. Wodak, S. J.; Mietchen, D.; Collings, A. M.; Russell, R. B.; Bourne, P. E. (২০১২)। "Topic Pages: PLoS Computational Biology Meets Wikipedia"PLoS Computational Biology8 (3): e1002446। ডিওআই:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002446পিএমআইডি 22479174পিএমসি 3315447অবাধে প্রবেশযোগ্যবিবকোড:2012PLSCB...8E2446W 
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  4. Volsky, PG; Baldassari, CM; Mushti, S; Derkay, CS (সেপ্টে ২০১২)। "Quality of Internet information in pediatric otolaryngology: a comparison of three most referenced websites."। International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology76 (9): 1312–6। ডিওআই:10.1016/j.ijporl.2012.05.026পিএমআইডি 22770592 
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  9. Naftel, RP; Safiano, NA; Falola, MI; Shannon, CN; Wellons, JC 3rd; Johnston, JM Jr (জানু ২০১৩)। "Technology preferences among caregivers of children with hydrocephalus."। Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics11 (1): 26–36। ডিওআই:10.3171/2012.9.PEDS12208পিএমআইডি 23092227 
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  12. Gallagher, J; Kenwright, D; Abels, P; Gallagher, P (আগস্ট ২০১২)। "Is obstetrics and gynaecology going the distance?"। The clinical teacher9 (4): 243–7। ডিওআই:10.1111/j.1743-498X.2012.00540.xপিএমআইডি 22783857 
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  14. Wicks, P; Bell, V (এপ্রিল ২০১২)। "Letter to the editor: quality of mental health information on Wikipedia."। Psychological medicine42 (4): 891। ডিওআই:10.1017/S0033291712000086পিএমআইডি 22313634 
  15. Reavley, NJ; Mackinnon, AJ; Morgan, AJ; Alvarez-Jimenez, M; Hetrick, SE; Killackey, E; Nelson, B; Purcell, R; Yap, MB; Jorm, AF (আগস্ট ২০১২)। "Quality of information sources about mental disorders: a comparison of Wikipedia with centrally controlled web and printed sources."। Psychological medicine42 (8): 1753–62। ডিওআই:10.1017/S003329171100287Xপিএমআইডি 22166182 
  16. von Muhlen, M; Ohno-Machado, L (সেপ্টে–অক্টো ২০১২)। "Reviewing social media use by clinicians."। Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA19 (5): 777–81। ডিওআই:10.1136/amiajnl-2012-000990পিএমআইডি 22759618 
  17. Natarajan, A; Racherla, S (মে ২০১২)। "Wikipedia: encyclopaedia cardiologica."। Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine105 (5): 191। ডিওআই:10.1258/jrsm.2012.120012পিএমআইডি 22637767 
  18. Metcalfe, D; Powell, J (ডিসে ২০১১)। "Should doctors spurn Wikipedia?"। Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine104 (12): 488–9। ডিওআই:10.1258/jrsm.2011.110227পিএমআইডি 22179287 
  19. Pusz, MD; Brietzke, SE (সেপ্টে ২০১২)। "How good is Google? The quality of otolaryngology information on the internet."। Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery147 (3): 462–5। ডিওআই:10.1177/0194599812447733পিএমআইডি 22597577 
  1. Badgett, Robert G.; Moore, Mary (২০১১)। "Are Medical Students Able and Willing to Edit Wikipedia to Learn Components of Evidence-Based Practice?"Kansas Journal of Medicine4 (3): 62–69।  - see User:Badgettrg
  2. Lavsa, S. M.; Corman, S. L.; Culley, C. M.; Pummer, T. L. (২০১১)। "Reliability of Wikipedia as a medication information source for pharmacy students"। Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning3 (2): 154–158। ডিওআই:10.1016/j.cptl.2011.01.007 
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  4. Tulbert, BH; Snyder, CW; Brodell, RT (মার্চ ২০১১)। "Readability of Patient-oriented Online Dermatology Resources."। The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology4 (3): 27–33। পিএমআইডি 21464884 
  5. Tausczik, Y; Faasse, K; Pennebaker, JW; Petrie, KJ (ফেব্রু ২০১২)। "Public Anxiety and Information Seeking Following the H1N1 Outbreak: Blogs, Newspaper Articles, and Wikipedia Visits."। Health communication27 (2): 179–85। পিএমআইডি 21827326 
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  7. Kupferberg, N; Protus, BM (অক্টো ২০১১)। "Accuracy and completeness of drug information in Wikipedia: an assessment."। Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA99 (4): 310–3। পিএমআইডি 22022226 
  8. Reavley, NJ; Mackinnon, AJ; Morgan, AJ; Alvarez-Jimenez, M; Hetrick, SE; Killackey, E; Nelson, B; Purcell, R; Yap, MB; Jorm, AF (ডিসে ১৪, ২০১১)। "Quality of information sources about mental disorders: a comparison of Wikipedia with centrally controlled web and printed sources."। Psychological medicine: 1–10। পিএমআইডি 22166182 
  9. Rajagopalan, MS; Khanna, VK; Leiter, Y; Stott, M; Showalter, TN; Dicker, AP; Lawrence, YR (সেপ্টে ২০১১)। "Patient-oriented cancer information on the internet: a comparison of wikipedia and a professionally maintained database."। Journal of oncology practice / American Society of Clinical Oncology7 (5): 319–23। পিএমআইডি 22211130 
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  1. Huss, Jon W; Orozco, Camilo; Goodale, James; Wu, Chunlei; Batalov, Serge; Vickers, Tim J; Valafar, Faramarz; Su, Andrew I (২০০৮)। "A Gene Wiki for Community Annotation of Gene Function"। PLoS Biology6 (7): e175। আইএসএসএন 1545-7885ডিওআই:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060175 
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