বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

টেমপ্লেট:Service awards/নথি

উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে


Basic usage[সম্পাদনা]

To display the template, just place {{service awards|year=[year]|month=[month]|day=[day]|edits=[edits]}} on the relevant page where the item in squared brackets is replaced by the relevant value. These parameters are required, and should not be omitted.

Required parameters
Parameter Definition
year Starting year
month Starting month
day Starting day of month
edits Number of user edits

{{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000}}

This editor is a Vanguard Editor and is entitled to display this Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram.

Summary of all options[সম্পাদনা]

All parameters
Parameter Definition Default Value
align Alignment of image left
caption1 Message shown This editor is
caption2 Message shown and is entitled to display this (for most awards – default differs on higher awards)
caption3 Message shown (blank)
day Starting day of month (required - no default)
edits Number of user edits (required - no default)
format Type of template desired medal
month Starting month (required - no default)
punctuation Message shown (full stop)
size Size of image

Images: frame (varies for some awards where frame gives too large an award)
Small ribbons: 72px
Userboxes: 45px

year Starting year (required - no default)

Display format[সম্পাদনা]

The format= parameter is used to specify the type of template displayed. Most users will want to use one of the standard format values. There are also some special formats that allow you to put together your own custom format.

Standard formats[সম্পাদনা]
Standard format values
Parameter value Format
medal Medal image (this is the default)
ubxmedal Medal userbox
book Book image
ubxbook Book userbox
ribbon Standard ribbon image
smlribbon Small ribbon image
Examples of standard formats
This editor is a Vanguard Editor and is entitled to display this Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram.
{{service awards
 | year=1995 | month=1 | day=15
 | edits=2000000 | format=medal}}


{{service awards
 | year=1995 | month=1 | day=15
 | edits=2000000 | format=book | size=thumbnail{{!}}upright}}

টেমপ্লেট:Vanguard Editor Userbox {{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|format=ubxmedal}}

টেমপ্লেট:Gom Userbox {{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|format=ubxbook}}

টেমপ্লেট:Vanguard Editor Ribbon

{{service awards
 | year=1995 | month=1 | day=15
 | edits=2000000 | format=ribbon}}

{{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|format=smlribbon}}

Custom formats[সম্পাদনা]

You can create your own format by combining the name, description and image of an award in any way you like. The format= parameter values shown below allow you to fetch these parts of an award on their own. Transclude the {{service awards}} template multiple times to fetch multiple elements, arranged how you like.

Custom format values
Parameter value Format Example
namebook Award name, using the book naming scheme Lord Gom, the Highest Togneme of the Encyclopedia
namemedal Award name, using the medal naming scheme a Vanguard Editor
awardbook Description of the book awardees are entitled to display floor plan of the The Great Library of Alecyclopedias, including its ancient access keys
awardmedal Description of the medal awardees are entitled to display Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram
imgbook Image filename of the book awardees are entitled to display Gom.jpg
imgmedal Image filename of the medal awardees are entitled to display Editor - lapis matter iii.jpg,2.jpg
imgsmlrib Image filename of small ribbon awardees are entitled to display Editorrib18.png

For example:

{| style="border: 2px solid black; width: 300px"
| [[File:{{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=200000|format=imgmedal}}<!--
--> | thumbnail | 110px <!--
--> | {{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=200000|format=awardmedal}}]]
So what's that medal for? That's my service award – I'm
{{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=200000|format=namemedal}}!
Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram

So what's that medal for? That's my service award – I'm a Vanguard Editor!

Image alignment[সম্পাদনা]

The align parameter can be used to specify the location of the template. It can only be used with the medal, book, ribbon and smlribbon formats.

align= values
Parameter value Alignment
left Left, with text wrapping around the right side
center Centered
right Right, with text wrapping around the left side

{{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|align=left}}

This editor is a Vanguard Editor and is entitled to display this Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram.

{{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|align=center}}

This editor is a Vanguard Editor and is entitled to display this Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram.

{{service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|align=right}}

This editor is a Vanguard Editor and is entitled to display this Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram.

Image size[সম্পাদনা]

For the image-with-caption award formats, the size parameter specifies whether to include the frame and caption, and/or change the image size. The frame and caption are shown by default for the image awards, but are omitted for ribbons. Userboxes have a separate frame and caption that the size parameter does not control. The size parameter is ignored for non-small ribbons.

Small ribbons default to 72 pixels wide. Userboxes default to 45 pixels wide. The default width for the image formats depends upon the award.

Some example uses of size=:

Display the image at the specified width, selecting the best height to maintain the image proportions. (Also omits the frame and caption for image-with-caption formats.)
Display the image at the specified height, selecting the best width to maintain the image proportions. (Also omits the frame and caption for image-with-caption formats.)
Omit the frame and caption and use the default image width.
Force the frame and caption to show.
Show a frame and caption and set the image width.

Caption customisation[সম্পাদনা]

The caption on the template can be customised using these parameters. The caption has two auto updating sections: one for the editor's title and one for the editor's award. The three caption parameters specify the text either side of these auto updating sections and the punctuation parameter specifies what punctuation character to use at the end of the caption.

Caption customisation parameters
Parameter Definition Default Value
caption1 Message on template This editor is
caption2 Message on template and is entitled to display this
caption3 Message on template (blank)
punctuation Message on template (full stop)


{{service awards
 | year=1995
 | month=1
 | day=15
 | edits=2000000
 | caption1=Hello everyone, I'm
 | caption2=and I'm now going to show off my
 | caption3=to the whole world
 | punctuation=!!!}}


Hello everyone, I'm a Vanguard Editor and I'm now going to show off my Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram to the whole world!!!

Note: the caption and punctuation parameters will have no effect on the ribbon formats and therefore these parameters should be left out (not blank) if one of these formats is selected.

Technical details[সম্পাদনা]

Internally, this template uses the following sub-templates:

  • /compose: Displays an award as described by various parameters.
  • /core: Displays the award for the specified level (0-20) by calling /compose with the appropriate parameters. Edit this template to change the template names or text displayed for each award.
  • /select: Determines which level of award to display, based on the length of service and number of edits. Edit this template to change the award requirements.

আরো দেখুন[সম্পাদনা]