This template is maintained by Wikipedia:WikiProject Anime and manga. It is designed to handle anime, manga, their associated films, OVAs, and other related media, in a single modular infobox.
This infobox is constructed by sandwiching one or more components between a header and footer. For consistency, it is recommended that components be sorted by release date.
Unless otherwise noted, fields should reflect original Japanese dates and editions, as multiple countries/languages leads to clutter.
For consistency, the infobox should remain within the scope of its host article. If, for example, separate pages exist for an anime and its associated film, the film component should not appear on the anime page, and vice versa. The "Other" component may be used to provide links to such closely related works. Similarly, if an article's primary topic is not an anime or manga series, and such series do not receive more than an incidental mention, the article should use the infobox designed for the media type of its focus (e.g. articles on novels and novel series should use {{তথ্যছক বই}}, articles on films should use {{তথ্যছক চলচ্চিত্র}}, etc).
The title parameter in each component is optional, and should be used when the title of the specific anime/manga/etc. differs from the name parameter in the header or (if none is given) the article's title.
Other parameters are documented in the following sections.
 | এই তথ্যছকটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে নিবন্ধের শিরোনাম বাঁকা করে। যদি এটির প্রয়োজন না হয়, তবে দয়া করে প্যারামিটারের তালিকায় |italic title=no যোগ করুন। যদি এটির প্রয়োজন হয় কিন্তু শিরোনাম বাঁকা না হয়, তবে |italic title=force ব্যবহার করুন। |
 This is an example image |
ধরন | {{{genre}}} |
{{Infobox animanga/Header
| name =
| image =
| caption =
| ja_kanji =
| ja_romaji =
| genre = <!-- Note: Use and cite reliable sources to identify genre/s, not personal interpretation. Please don't include more than three genres (per [[MOS:A&M]]). -->
Parameter | Description |
name | Full common name of the anime, manga, light novel, or etc. Defaults to article name. |
image | A relevant image for the work, which should be a movie poster, a DVD/VHS cover, screenshot, or another related image. Be sure to include a valid fair use rationale for the image if you upload one. (ex. [[File:Example.png|230px]]) Optimal image size is 230px. |
caption | Image caption, which should describe the type of image used. |
ja_kanji | The title as written in Japan (any mix of kanji, kana, or the Latin alphabet). |
ja_romaji | The Hepburn romanization of the Japanese language title. Leave this blank if it would be the same as the name parameter. |
genre | The genre or genres to which the work belongs. List more specific genres over general genres (ex. Mecha is a subgenre of Science fiction, therefore only Mecha should be listed instead of both). Genres should be based on what reliable sources list them and not on personal interpretations. If a genre cannot be cited to a reliable source, then it should not be listed. |
{{Infobox animanga/Footer}}
লেখক | {{{author}}} |
অঙ্কনশিল্পী | {{{illustrator}}} |
প্রকাশক | {{{publisher}}} |
ইংরেজি প্রকাশক | {{{publisher_en}}} |
মুদ্রণ | {{{imprint}}} |
সাময়িকী | {{{magazine}}} |
ইংরেজি সাময়িকী | {{{magazine_en}}} |
জনতাত্ত্বিক | {{{demographic}}} |
মূল প্রকাশ | {{{first}}} – {{{last}}} |
খণ্ড | {{{volumes}}} (খণ্ডের তালিকা) |
{{Infobox animanga/Print
| type = মাঙ্গা
| title =
| author =
| illustrator =
| publisher =
| publisher_en =
| demographic =
| imprint =
| magazine =
| magazine_en =
| published = (single volume)
| first = (multiple volumes)
| last =
| volumes =
| volume_list =
লেখক | {{{author}}} |
অঙ্কনশিল্পী | {{{illustrator}}} |
প্রকাশক | {{{publisher}}} |
ইংরেজি প্রকাশক | {{{publisher_en}}} |
মুদ্রণ | {{{imprint}}} |
জনতাত্ত্বিক | {{{demographic}}} |
প্রকাশিত | {{{published}}} |
{{Infobox animanga/Print
| type = novel
| title =
| author =
| illustrator =
| publisher =
| publisher_en =
| demographic =
| imprint =
| published =
লেখক | {{{author}}} |
অঙ্কনশিল্পী | {{{illustrator}}} |
প্রকাশক | {{{publisher}}} |
ইংরেজি প্রকাশক | {{{publisher_en}}} |
মুদ্রণ | {{{imprint}}} |
জনতাত্ত্বিক | {{{demographic}}} |
মূল প্রকাশ | {{{first}}} – {{{last}}} |
খণ্ড | {{{volumes}}} (খণ্ডের তালিকা) |
{{Infobox animanga/Print
| type = novel series
| title =
| author =
| illustrator =
| publisher =
| publisher_en =
| demographic =
| imprint =
| first =
| last =
| volumes =
| volume_list =
লেখক | {{{author}}} |
অঙ্কনশিল্পী | {{{illustrator}}} |
প্রকাশক | {{{publisher}}} |
ইংরেজি প্রকাশক | {{{publisher_en}}} |
মুদ্রণ | {{{imprint}}} |
সাময়িকী | {{{magazine}}} |
ইংরেজি সাময়িকী | {{{magazine_en}}} |
জনতাত্ত্বিক | {{{demographic}}} |
প্রকাশিত | {{{published}}} |
খণ্ড | {{{volumes}}} (খণ্ডের তালিকা) |
{{Infobox animanga/Print
| type = serial novel
| title =
| author =
| illustrator =
| publisher =
| publisher_en =
| demographic =
| imprint =
| magazine =
| magazine_en =
| published = (single volume)
| first = (multiple volumes)
| last =
| volumes =
| volume_list =
লেখক | {{{author}}} |
অঙ্কনশিল্পী | {{{illustrator}}} |
প্রকাশক | {{{publisher}}} |
ইংরেজি প্রকাশক | {{{publisher_en}}} |
মুদ্রণ | {{{imprint}}} |
সাময়িকী | {{{magazine}}} |
ইংরেজি সাময়িকী | {{{magazine_en}}} |
জনতাত্ত্বিক | {{{demographic}}} |
প্রকাশিত | {{{published}}} |
খণ্ড | {{{volumes}}} (খণ্ডের তালিকা) |
{{Infobox animanga/Print
| type = light novel
| title =
| author =
| illustrator =
| publisher =
| publisher_en =
| demographic =
| imprint =
| magazine =
| magazine_en =
| published = (single volume)
| first = (multiple volumes)
| last =
| volumes =
| volume_list =
Enter one of the following: novel for a single novel, serial novel for a novel series, light novel for a light novel or light novel series, film comic for film comics, mook for a "magazine book", or other. Leave blank for manga.
Title of the work, if different from the name field in header.
Author of the work.
Illustrator of the work, if different from the work's author.
Japanese publisher of the work.
Any English language publishers of the work. See {{English manga publisher}}
Target demographic of the work. (ex. Children, Shōjo, Shōnen, Seinen, Josei, Salaryman, or General Interest). This is established by the Japanese magazine in which the work was originally published.
Publisher's label or imprint the work was released under
Magazine or anthology in which the work was serialized in.
Any English language magazines or anthologies in which the work was serialized in. See {{English manga magazine}}
If only a single release, use this field instead of first and last. Include full date if available.
Date the first chapter (preferably) or volume of the work was originally published. Include month and year at a minimum.
Date the last chapter (preferably) or volume of the work was originally published. Include month and year at a minimum. Leave empty if ongoing.
খণ্ডের সংখ্যা
Links the number of volumes or chapters to the respective "List of" page.
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মূল নেটওয়ার্ক | {{{network}}} |
ইংরেজি নেটওয়ার্ক | {{{network_en}}} |
মূল প্রকাশ | {{{first}}} – {{{last}}} |
পর্ব | {{{episodes}}} (পর্বের তালিকা) |
{{Infobox animanga/Video
| type = tv series
| title =
| director =
| producer =
| writer =
| music =
| studio =
| licensee =
| network =
| network_en =
| first =
| last =
| episodes =
| episode_list =
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মূল নেটওয়ার্ক | {{{network}}} |
ইংরেজি নেটওয়ার্ক | {{{network_en}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{released}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
{{Infobox animanga/Video
| type = tv film
| title =
| director =
| producer =
| writer =
| music =
| studio =
| licensee =
| network =
| network_en =
| released =
| runtime =
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{released}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
{{Infobox animanga/Video
| type = live tv film
| title =
| director =
| producer =
| writer =
| music =
| studio =
| licensee =
| network =
| network_en =
| released =
| runtime =
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{released}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{released}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{first}}} – {{{last}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
পর্ব | {{{episodes}}} (পর্বের তালিকা) |
{{Infobox animanga/Video
| type = ova/ona
| title =
| director =
| producer =
| writer =
| music =
| studio =
| licensee =
| released = (single episode)
| first = (multiple episodes)
| last =
| runtime =
| episodes =
| episode_list =
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{released}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
{{Infobox animanga/Video
| type = live video
| title =
| director =
| producer =
| writer =
| music =
| studio =
| licensee =
| released =
| runtime =
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{released}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রয়োজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
লাইসেন্সকারী | {{{licensee}}} |
মুক্তি | {{{first}}} – {{{last}}} |
ব্যাপ্তিকাল | {{{runtime}}} |
চলচ্চিত্র | {{{films}}} (চলচ্চিত্রের তালিকা) |
==== লাইভ-অ্যাকশন চলচ্চিত্র ====
{{Infobox animanga/Video
| child = no
| type = লাইভ চলচ্চিত্র
| title = {{{title}}}
| director = {{{director}}}
| producer = {{{producer}}}
| writer = {{{writer}}}
| music = {{{music}}}
| studio = {{{studio}}}
| licensee = {{{licensee}}}
| released = {{{released}}}
| runtime = {{{runtime}}}
<pre style="width:auto; overflow:auto">
{{Infobox animanga/Video
| type = লাইভ চলচ্চিত্র
| title =
| director =
| producer =
| writer =
| music =
| studio =
| licensee =
| released =
| runtime =
Title of the work, if different from the name field in header.
Person or persons who directed the work.
Person or persons who produced the work.
Principle writers of the work.
Person or persons who composed the original music.
Primary studio that produced the series.
English licensees. See {{English anime licensee}}
Japanese television networks the series aired on.
English television networks the series aired on. See {{English anime network}}
Date the work was first released in Japan.
Date the first episode aired during the original run. Include full date when available.
Date the last episode aired during the original run. Include full date when available. Leave empty if ongoing.
Number of episodes.
Links the number of episodes to the respective "List of" episode article.
Length of one episode of the work.
পরিচালক | {{{director}}} |
প্রযোজক | {{{producer}}} |
লেখক | {{{writer}}} |
সুরকার | {{{music}}} |
স্টুডিও | {{{studio}}} |
প্রচারকেন্দ্র | {{{station}}} |
মূল প্রকাশ | {{{first}}} – {{{last}}} |
পর্ব | {{{episodes}}} (পর্বের তালিকা) |
{{Infobox animanga/Audio
| title =
| director =
| producer =
| writer =
| music =
| studio =
| station =
| first =
| last =
| episodes =
| episode_list =
Title of the audio drama, if different from the name field in header.
Person or persons who directed the audio drama.
Person or persons who produced the audio drama.
Principle writers of the audio drama.
Person or persons who composed the original music.
Primary studio that produced the audio drama.
Japanese stations the audio drama aired on.
Date the audio drama was released if it had not been previously aired.
Date the first episode aired during the original run. Include month and year at a minimum.
Date the last episode aired during the original run. Include month and year at a minimum. Leave empty if ongoing.
Number of episodes.
Link to the respective "List of" episode article.
{{Infobox animanga/Game
| title =
| developer =
| publisher =
| genre =
| engine =
| platforms =
| released =
Title of the video game, if different from the name field in header.
Japanese company that developed the video game.
Japanese company that published the video game.
The video game genre the game belongs in.
Platforms or consoles the video game was released for. (Example: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii)
The game's engine. Only use this field for game engines with an established, independent article and wikilink its name (such as Unreal Engine).
Original Japanese release date of the video game.
টেমপ্লেট:তথ্যছক আনিমাঙ্গা/অন্যান্য/নথি
নোট: These examples might not contain accurate information.
{{তথ্যছক অ্যানিমাঙ্গা/শীর্ষ
| name = উইকিপিডিয়ার অভিযান!
| image = [[File:Wikipe-tan manga page1.jpg|260px]]
| caption = উইকিপি-টান ও তার বোনেরা
| ja_kanji = ウィキペディアの大冒険!
| ja_romaji =
| genre = [[Action (fiction)|অ্যাকশন]], [[Romance (novel)|রোমান্স]]
{{Infobox animanga/Print
| type = মাঙ্গা
| author = [[জিমি ওয়েলস]] ও [[Special:ListUsers|{{NUMBEROFUSERS}} অন্যান্যরা]]
| illustrator = [[User:Kasuga]]
| publisher = [[উইকিমিডিয়া ফাউন্ডেশন]]
| magazine = [[উইকিপিডিয়া]]
| first = ১৫ই জানুয়ারি, ২০০১
| last =
| volumes = {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} নিবন্ধসমূহ
{{তথ্যছক অ্যানিমাঙ্গা/নিম্নাংশ}}