বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

টেমপ্লেট:প্রধান পাতার চিত্র/নিনি/নথি

উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে

Note: Prefer images in landscape orientation. If you must use one in portrait orientation, avoid very skinny ones. If you must choose a skinny image, note that if you do so, there will be a gap between left or right edge of the image (depending on the what side of the container the template appears) and the edge of the section.

Note that width should not be specified. It is automatically calculated.

{{প্রধান পাতার চিত্র/নিনি
| image         =  <!-- name of the file, with or without the File: prefix -->
| link          =  <!-- optional: file to which you want the image to link, with or without the File: prefix -->
| border        =  <!-- optional: "yes" for a border; defaults to no border -->
| caption       =  <!-- optional: wiki text -->
| caption align =  <!-- optional: left, right, or center; defaults to left -->
| title         =  <!-- optional: image title; if blank, will use the caption, alt text, non-default "link=" target, or nothing (in that order) -->
| alt           =  <!-- optional: image alt text; if blank, will use the caption, title, or image name (in that order) -->
| width         =  <!-- optional: overrides image width -->



আরও দেখুন
