বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে
Sariful Islam  (Sarif),

C/O  : Alamjan, Father's Name  : Safis Uddin(Late), Mother's Name  : Alamjan, Mailing address  : Kathora, House : 80, Block : B, Ward no : 20, Gazipur city corporation. Contact: 01913 003 228,

facebook.com/sarifmeds [১] Mail:sarifmeds@gmail.com

Academic Information: Sariful Islam took his primary and secondary education from two different religious institutions with out-standing academic excellence and got admitted in the Department of English at the University Bangladesh Islami,Dhaka,Bangladesh. From the university, he attained an excellent result with first clsss.After taking His bachelor degree he completed his post graduation from the University of Comilla from where he was also given bright result with first class with distinguish reward. Recently he is teaching as director of Great Scholars' Academy.

  1. "Sariful Islam (assistant of English)"Sariful Islam (assistant of English) (ইংরেজি ভাষায়)। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১৮-১২-১০