All writing | all_writing | The writer(s) of all (or most) of the tracks.
| লাইন | পরামর্শকৃত |
All lyrics | all_lyrics | The lyricist(s) for all (or most) of the tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
All music | all_music | The composer(s) for all (or most) of the tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Collapsed | collapsed | Set to "yes" to collapse the track listing.
| বুলিয়ান | ঐচ্ছিক |
Headline | headline | Creates a title for the track listing; may be used to distinguish between different versions of an album, such as deluxe versions, re-masters, etc.
| অজানা | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra column | extra_column | Header text for an extra column. If this parameter is not used, no extra column will be shown. Use sparingly.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 0 | title0 | Title of track 0.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 0 | note0 | Brief note about track 0.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 0 | length0 | Length of track 0. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 0 | lyrics0 | Lyricist for track 0. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s) use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 0 | music0 | Composer of track 0. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s) use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 0 | writer0 | Writer of track 0. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s) use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 0 | extra0 | Value for the extra column for track 0. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 1 | title1 | Title of track 1.
| লাইন | পরামর্শকৃত |
Note 1 | note1 | Brief note about track 1.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 1 | length1 | Length of track 1. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | পরামর্শকৃত |
Lyrics 1 | lyrics1 | Lyricist for track 1. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 1 | music1 | Composer of track 1. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 1 | writer1 | Writer of track 1. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 1 | extra1 | Value for the extra column for track 1. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 2 | title2 | Title of track 2.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 2 | note2 | Brief note about track 2.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 2 | length2 | Length of track 2. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 2 | lyrics2 | Lyricist for track 2. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 2 | music2 | Composer of track 2. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 2 | writer2 | Writer of track 2. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 2 | extra2 | Value for the extra column for track 2. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 3 | title3 | Title of track 3.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 3 | note3 | Brief note about track 3.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 3 | length3 | Length of track 3. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 3 | lyrics3 | Lyricist for track 3. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 3 | music3 | Composer of track 3. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 3 | writer3 | Writer of track 3. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 3 | extra3 | Value for the extra column for track 3. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 4 | title4 | Title of track 4.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 4 | note4 | Brief note about track 4.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 4 | length4 | Length of track 4. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 4 | lyrics4 | Lyricist for track 4. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 4 | music4 | Composer of track 4. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 4 | writer4 | Writer of track 4. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 4 | extra4 | Value for the extra column for track 4. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 5 | title5 | Title of track 5.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 5 | note5 | Brief note about track 5.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 5 | length5 | Length of track 5. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 5 | lyrics5 | Lyricist for track 5. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 5 | music5 | Composer of track 5. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 5 | writer5 | Writer of track 5. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 5 | extra5 | Value for the extra column for track 5. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 6 | title6 | Title of track 6.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 6 | note6 | Brief note about track 6.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 6 | length6 | Length of track 6. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 6 | lyrics6 | Lyricist for track 6. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 6 | music6 | Composer of track 6. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 6 | writer6 | Writer of track 6. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 6 | extra6 | Value for the extra column for track 6. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 7 | title7 | Title of track 7.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 7 | note7 | Brief note about track 7.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 7 | length7 | Length of track 7. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 7 | lyrics7 | Lyricist for track 7. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 7 | music7 | Composer of track 7. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 7 | writer7 | Writer of track 7. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 7 | extra7 | Value for the extra column for track 7. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 8 | title8 | Title of track 8.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 8 | note8 | Brief note about track 8.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 8 | length8 | Length of track 8. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 8 | lyrics8 | Lyricist for track 8. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 8 | music8 | Composer of track 8. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 8 | writer8 | Writer of track 8. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 8 | extra8 | Value for the extra column for track 8. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 9 | title9 | Title of track 9.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 9 | note9 | Brief note about track 9.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 9 | length9 | Length of track 9. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 9 | lyrics9 | Lyricist for track 9. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 9 | music9 | Composer of track 9. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 9 | writer9 | Writer of track 9. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 9 | extra9 | Value for the extra column for track 9. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 10 | title10 | Title of track 10.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 10 | note10 | Brief note about track 10.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 10 | length10 | Length of track 10. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 10 | lyrics10 | Lyricist for track 10. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 10 | music10 | Composer of track 10. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 10 | writer10 | Writer of track 10. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 10 | extra10 | Value for the extra column for track 10. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 11 | title11 | Title of track 11.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 11 | note11 | Brief note about track 11.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 11 | length11 | Length of track 11. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 11 | lyrics11 | Lyricist for track 11. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 11 | music11 | Composer of track 11. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 11 | writer11 | Writer of track 11. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 11 | extra11 | Value for the extra column for track 11. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 12 | title12 | Title of track 12.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 12 | note12 | Brief note about track 12.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 12 | length12 | Length of track 12. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 12 | lyrics12 | Lyricist for track 12. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 12 | music12 | Composer of track 12. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 12 | writer12 | Writer of track 12. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 12 | extra12 | Value for the extra column for track 12. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 13 | title13 | Title of track 13.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 13 | note13 | Brief note about track 13.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 13 | length13 | Length of track 13. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 13 | lyrics13 | Lyricist for track 13. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 13 | music13 | Composer of track 13. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 13 | writer13 | Writer of track 13. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 13 | extra13 | Value for the extra column for track 13. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 14 | title14 | Title of track 14.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 14 | note14 | Brief note about track 14.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 14 | length14 | Length of track 14. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 14 | lyrics14 | Lyricist for track 14. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 14 | music14 | Composer of track 14. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 14 | writer14 | Writer of track 14. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 14 | extra14 | Value for the extra column for track 14. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 15 | title15 | Title of track 15.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 15 | note15 | Brief note about track 15.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 15 | length15 | Length of track 15. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 15 | lyrics15 | Lyricist for track 15. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 15 | music15 | Composer of track 15. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 15 | writer15 | Writer of track 15. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 15 | extra15 | Value for the extra column for track 15. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 16 | title16 | Title of track 16.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 16 | note16 | Brief note about track 16.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 16 | length16 | Length of track 16. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 16 | lyrics16 | Lyricist for track 16. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 16 | music16 | Composer of track 16. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 16 | writer16 | Writer of track 16. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 16 | extra16 | Value for the extra column for track 16. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 17 | title17 | Title of track 17.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 17 | note17 | Brief note about track 17.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 17 | length17 | Length of track 17. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 17 | lyrics17 | Lyricist for track 17. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 17 | music17 | Composer of track 17. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 17 | writer17 | Writer of track 17. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 17 | extra17 | Value for the extra column for track 17. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 18 | title18 | Title of track 18.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 18 | note18 | Brief note about track 18.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 18 | length18 | Length of track 18. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 18 | lyrics18 | Lyricist for track 18. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 18 | music18 | Composer of track 18. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 18 | writer18 | Writer of track 18. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 18 | extra18 | Value for the extra column for track 18. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 19 | title19 | Title of track 19.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 19 | note19 | Brief note about track 19.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 19 | length19 | Length of track 19. Format is m:ss. (mm:ss or even h:mm:ss is fine for long tracks.)
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 19 | lyrics19 | Lyricist for track 19. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 19 | music19 | Composer of track 19. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 19 | writer19 | Writer of track 19. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 19 | extra19 | Value for the extra column for track 19. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Title 20 | title20 | Title of track 20. Use title21, title22, etc. for subsequent tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Note 20 | note20 | Brief note about track 20. Use note21, note22, etc. for subsequent tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Length 20 | length20 | Length of track 20. Use length21, length22, etc. for subsequent tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Lyrics 20 | lyrics20 | Lyricist for track 20. If the lyrics of most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_lyrics parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions. Use lyrics21, lyrics22, etc. for subsequent tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Music 20 | music20 | Composer of track 20. If most of the tracks are composed by the same person(s), use the all_music parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions. Use music21, music22, etc. for subsequent tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Writer 20 | writer20 | Writer of track 20. If most of the tracks are written by the same person(s), use the all_writing parameter instead, and use the note parameters for exceptions. Use writer21, writer22, etc. for subsequent tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Extra field 20 | extra20 | Value for the extra column for track 20. The header of the extra column is set with the extra_column parameter. Use extra21, extra22, etc. for subsequent tracks.
| লাইন | ঐচ্ছিক |
Total length | total_length | The total length of all the tracks in the track listing
| অজানা | পরামর্শকৃত |
Column width (Title) | title_width | Include these parameters to override the default column widths. Note: If the width of a column is overridden, the width of all other columns used in the table must be also overridden for it to appear correctly. - উদাহরণ
- 30%
| অজানা | ঐচ্ছিক |
Column width (Writing) | writing_width | Include these parameters to override the default column widths. Note: If the width of a column is overridden, the width of all other columns used in the table must be also overridden for it to appear correctly. - উদাহরণ
- 30%
| অজানা | ঐচ্ছিক |
Column width (Music) | music_width | Include these parameters to override the default column widths. Note: If the width of a column is overridden, the width of all other columns used in the table must be also overridden for it to appear correctly. - উদাহরণ
- 30%
| অজানা | ঐচ্ছিক |
Column width (Lyrics) | lyrics_width | Include these parameters to override the default column widths. Note: If the width of a column is overridden, the width of all other columns used in the table must be also overridden for it to appear correctly. - উদাহরণ
- 30%
| অজানা | ঐচ্ছিক |
Column width (Extra) | extra_width | Include these parameters to override the default column widths. Note: If the width of a column is overridden, the width of all other columns used in the table must be also overridden for it to appear correctly. - উদাহরণ
- 30%
| অজানা | ঐচ্ছিক |