বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

টেমপ্লেট:তথ্যছক টেলিভিশন চলচ্চিত্র

উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে
(টেমপ্লেট:Infobox television film থেকে পুনর্নির্দেশিত)
টেমপ্লেট নথি[দেখুন] [সম্পাদনা] [ইতিহাস] [শোধন]
ভিত্তিক{{{based on}}}
চলচ্চিত্র শিল্প{{{cinematography}}}
প্রযোজনা সংস্থা{{{studio}}}
মূল চ্যানেল{{{network}}}
মুক্তির তারিখ{{{released}}}
মূল সময়{{{first_aired}}}  – {{{last_aired}}}
পর্ব নং{{{num_episodes}}}
[{{{website}}} অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট]

Infobox television film is used to summarize information about television films (TV movies) and miniseries.


Example caption
ধরনExample genre
বিতরণCompany Doe
নির্মিতJohn Doe
পরিচালকJohn Doe
প্রযোজকJohn Doe
লেখকJohn Doe
চিত্রনাট্যJohn Doe
কাহিনীJohn Doe
ভিত্তিকL. Frank Baum কর্তৃক 
John Dough and the Cherub
বিবৃতJohn Doe
শ্রেষ্ঠাংশেJohn Doe
সঙ্গীতJohn Doe
চলচ্চিত্র শিল্পJohn Doe
সম্পাদনাJohn Doe
প্রযোজনা সংস্থাCompany Doe
বাজেটUS$4 million
দেশUnited States
মূল চ্যানেলExample network
মুক্তির তারিখ
  • ১ জানুয়ারি ২০০১ (2001-01-01)
মূল সময়১ জানুয়ারি ২০০১ (2001-01-01)  – ২ জানুয়ারি ২০০১ (2001-01-02)
দৈর্ঘ্য100 minutes
পর্ব নং2
পূর্বসূরীExample film
উত্তরসূরীExample film 2
অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট


{{Infobox television film
| name           = 
| image          = <!--filename only! e.g. Example.jpg-->
| image_size     = 
| caption        = 
| genre          = 
| distributor    = 
| creator        = 
| director       = 
| producer       = 
| writer         = 
| screenplay     = 
| story          = 
| based on       = <!--{{Based on|work|creator}}-->
| narrator       = 
| starring       = 
| music          = 
| cinematography = 
| editing        = 
| studio         = 
| budget         = 
| country        = 
| language       = 
| network        = 
| released       = <!--{{Film date|TV=y|year|month|day|location}}-->
| first_aired    = <!--{{Start date|year|month|day}}-->
| last_aired     = <!--{{End date|year|month|day}}-->
| runtime        = 
| num_episodes   = 
| preceded_by    = 
| followed_by    = 
| website        = 

While none of the parameters are compulsory (in the sense of making the template break), certain ones would need to be used if the infobox is to be a useful one.

Parameter Explanation
name The name of the television film or miniseries. Use the full name of the film, and do not wikilink it.
image An image relevant to the show. No wiki-markup required.
image_size The infobox uses frameless which automatically resizes images to a default width of 220px unless the full size of the image is smaller. Logged in users can change the default width by clicking on "my preferences" and changing the thumbnail size under the "Appearance" tab (see Help:Preferences). This parameter should not normally be used.
caption A caption explaining the image. An image with the title logo of the show does not need a caption.
genre The genre of the show (examples listed at List of Television genres). Separate multiple genres with line breaks (<br />).
distributor Insert the company name(s) of the distributor(s). Separate multiple entries with a line break (<br />). In addition, link each distributor to its appropriate article if possible.
creator Who created the film/miniseries. Separate multiple people with line breaks (<br />).
director The director(s). Separate multiple people with line breaks (<br />).
producer The producer(s). Separate multiple people with line breaks (<br />).
writer The writer(s). Separate multiple people with line breaks (<br />).
screenplay Insert the name(s) of the screenplay writer(s). Separate multiple entries with a line break (<br />). Use this field instead of the normal writer field if films divide writing credits between screenplay and story writers. In addition, link each writer to his/her appropriate article if possible.
story Insert the name(s) of the story writer(s). Separate multiple entries with a line break (<br />). Use this field instead of the normal writer field if films divide writing credits between screenplay and story writers. In addition, link each writer to his/her appropriate article if possible.
based on Insert the title of the source material and the name(s) of the source material writer(s). Use this field in conjunction with screenplay and story where applicable (i.e. "Screen story") if films are based on previously produced or published material, such as books, plays, articles, old screenplays etc. Use {{based on}} or similar formatting where possible. Do not use this field where the source material is ambiguous.
narrator Insert the name(s) of the narrator(s). Separate multiple entries with a line break (<br />). In addition, link each narrator to his/her appropriate article if possible.
starring Who stars in the film/miniseries (top-billed only). Separate multiple people with line breaks (<br />).
music The musical composer. Separate multiple people with line breaks (<br />).
cinematography Insert the name(s) of the cinematographer(s). Separate multiple entries with a line break (<br />). In addition, link each cinematographer to his/her appropriate article if possible.
editing The editor(s). Separate multiple people with line breaks (<br />).
studio Insert the company that produced the film. Separate multiple entries with a line break (<br />). In addition, link each company to its appropriate article if possible.
budget The budget of the film.
country The country of origin for the film/miniseries. Flag icons unnecessary. Separate multiple countries with line breaks (<br />).
language The original language(s) the film/miniseries is in. This should not be wiki-linked, this is auto linked, and excludes English from linking.
network The original network(s) or channel(s) on which the film/miniseries appears. Do not add the foreign broadcasters here.
released For use with television films; the day on which the film was first aired on television.
first_aired For use with miniseries; the day the first episode aired.
last_aired For use with miniseries; the day the last episode aired.
runtime The total running time for the film or miniseries; should not include commercials and should be approximated.
num_episodes For use with miniseries; the number of episodes aired.
preceded_by For use with television films; the preceding film in a series.
followed_by For use with television films; the following film in a series.
website The film's or miniseries' official website (usually hosted by the network or production company). Only type in the website. Formatting is automatic.


{{Infobox television film
| name = Example
| image = TV Antik copy.jpg
| caption = Example caption
| genre = Example genre
| distributor = Company Doe
| creator = [[:John Doe]]
| director = John Doe
| producer = John Doe
| writer = John Doe
| screenplay = John Doe
| story = John Doe
| based on = {{Based on|''[[John Dough and the Cherub]]''|[[L. Frank Baum]]}}
| narrator = John Doe
| starring = John Doe
| music = John Doe
| cinematography = John Doe
| editing = John Doe
| studio = Company Doe
| budget = [[:United States dollar|US$]]4 million
| country = [[:United States]]
| language = English
| network = Example network
| released = {{Film date|TV=y|2001|1|1}}
| first_aired = {{Start date|2001|1|1}}
| last_aired = {{Start date|2001|1|2}}
| runtime = 100 minutes
| num_episodes = 2
| preceded_by = Example [[:film]]
| followed_by = Example [[:film]] 2
| website = http://en.wikipedia.org


এই টেমপ্লেট দ্বারা উৎপাদিত এইচটিএমএল মার্ক-আপে একটি hCalendar মাইক্রোবিন্যাস অন্তর্ভুক্ত, যা কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রাম দ্বারা event details সহজেই পার্সেবল করে তোলে। এটি নিবন্ধের তালিকাভুক্তকরণ এবং ডাটাবেজের রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের মতো কাজগুলোয় সহায়তা করে। উইকিপিডিয়ায় মাইক্রোবিন্যাস ব্যবহার সম্পর্কে আরও তথ্যের জন্য, অনুগ্রহ করে উইকিপিডিয়া:উইকিপ্রকল্প মাইক্রোবিন্যাস দেখুন।
ব্যবহৃত অ্যাট্রিবিউট

এই মাইক্রোবিন্যাসটি এইচটিএমএল অ্যাট্রিবিউটের মধ্যে রয়েছে::

  • attendee
  • contact
  • description
  • dtend
  • dtstart
  • location
  • organiser
  • summary
  • url
  • vevent
অনুগ্রহ করে এই অ্যাট্রিবিউটের নাম পরিবর্তন বা অপসারণ করবেন না
অথবা নেস্টেড উপাদান ব্যবহার করবেন না, যা ভেঙ্গে যায়।

IMDb, সমস্ত চলচ্চিত্র, এবং অন্যান্য বহিঃসংযোগ[সম্পাদনা]

External links to resources such as the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), AllMovie, TV.com and any official website are no longer included in this template. Nevertheless, these resources and others may be usefully added to the External Links section of the article using the following templates:

আরও দেখুন[সম্পাদনা]