বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

টেমপ্লেট:তথ্যছক প্রাচীন স্থান

উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে
(টেমপ্লেট:Infobox ancient site থেকে পুনর্নির্দেশিত)
টেমপ্লেট নথি[দেখুন] [সম্পাদনা] [ইতিহাস] [শোধন]

এই টেমপ্লেটটি অনেক ঐতিহাসিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক স্থানের জন্য একটি তথ্য সারাংশ সহ একটি ছক সরবরাহ করার জন্য যথেষ্ট নমনীয়, যদিও এটি মূলত প্রাচীন স্থান, খননকার্য ও নির্মাণ সম্পর্কিত নিবন্ধগুলির সঙ্গে ব্যবহারের জন্য তৈরি করা হয়েছিল।


এই টেমপ্লেটটি ব্যবহার করতে নীচের ছক থেকে কেবল পাঠ্যটি অনুলিপি করুন, এটি আপনার নিবন্ধের শীর্ষে পেস্ট করুন বা আটকান, তারপর প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক স্থানে প্রযোজ্য যে কোন প্যারামিটার পূরণ করুন। "শিরোনাম" প্যারামিটারের জন্য শুধুমাত্র একটি মান প্রয়োজন; অন্য সব ঐচ্ছিক।

আপনার ইচ্ছামত নিম্নোক্ত ক্ষেত্রগুলির মধ্যে কয়েকটি বা অনেকগুলি ব্যবহার করুন। যে ক্ষেত্রগুলির জন্য কোনও তথ্য সরবরাহ করা হয়নি সেগুলি আপনার তথ্যবাক্সে প্রদর্শিত হবে না। আপনি যত বেশি ক্ষেত্রগুলিতে তথ্য যোগ করবেন, আপনার তথ্যছক তত দীর্ঘ হবে। তথ্যছক, যেগুলিতে প্রচুর সংখ্যক ক্ষেত্রের তথ্য অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকে সেগুলি আপনার নিবন্ধের অন্যান্য উপাদানগুলিতে হস্তক্ষেপ করতে পারে।

[[File:|250px|তথ্যছক প্রাচীন স্থান পৃথিবী-এ অবস্থিত]]
তথ্যছক প্রাচীন স্থান
বিকল্প নাম{{{alternate_name}}}
স্থানাঙ্ক০° উত্তর ০° পূর্ব / ০° উত্তর ০° পূর্ব / 0; 0
উচ্চতা১০ মি (৩৩ ফু)
যার অংশ{{{part_of}}}
যার উপগ্রহ{{{dependency_of}}}
যার সাথে যুক্ত{{{occupants}}}
স্থান নোটসমূহ
আবিষ্কৃত হয়েছে{{{discovered}}}
খননের তারিখ{{{excavations}}}
জনসাধারণের প্রবেশাধিকার{{{public_access}}}
স্থাপত্য শৈলী{{{architectural_styles}}}
স্থাপত্য বিবরণ{{{architectural_details}}}
{{তথ্যছক প্রাচীন স্থান
| name           = <!-- required -->
| native_name    = 
| native_name_lang =
| alternate_name = <!-- displays as "Alternative name" -->
| image          = 
| image_size     = 
| alt            = 
| caption        = 
| map            = 
| map_type       = 
| map_alt        = 
| map_caption    = 
| map_size       = 
| mapframe       = <!-- "yes" to show an interactive map -->
| altitude_m     = <!-- Enter a number for altitude in meters (m) -->
| altitude_ref   = 
| relief         = 
| coordinates    = 
| gbgridref      = 
| map_dot_label  = 
| location       = 
| region         = 
| type           = 
| part_of        = 
| length         = 
| width          = 
| area           = 
| volume         = 
| diameter       = 
| circumference  = 
| height         = 
| builder        = 
| material       = 
| built          = 
| abandoned      = 
| epochs         = <!-- actually displays as "Periods" -->
| cultures       = 
| dependency_of  = 
| occupants      = 
| event          = 
| discovered     = 
| excavations    = 
| archaeologists = 
| condition      = 
| ownership      = 
| management     = 
| public_access  = 
| other_designation =
| website        = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| architectural_styles =
| architectural_details =
| notes          = 
| designation1            =
| designation1_offname    =
| designation1_type       =
| designation1_criteria   =
| designation1_date       =
| delisted1_date          =
| designation1_partof     =
| designation1_number     =
| designation1_free1name  =
| designation1_free1value =
| designation1_free2name  =
| designation1_free2value =
| designation1_free3name  =
| designation1_free3value =
| designation2            =
| designation2_offname    =
| designation2_type       =
| designation2_criteria   =
| designation2_date       =
| delisted2_date          =
| designation2_partof     =
| designation2_number     =
| designation2_free1name  =
| designation2_free1value =
| designation2_free2name  =
| designation2_free2value =
| designation2_free3name  =
| designation2_free3value =
| nhle =
| hillfort =
| megaj =
| hes =


প্রদর্শিত শিরোনামগুলির মধ্যে অনেকগুলি বিস্তৃতভাবে অন্তর্ভুক্ত, এবং নীচের বর্ণনাগুলি হল পরামর্শ। আপনি যদি এমন একটি বিবরণ খুঁজে না পান যা আপনি উপস্থাপন করতে চান এমন তথ্যের সঙ্গে হুবহু মিলে যায়, তাহলে নিকটতম মিলটি খুঁজুন। আবার, শুধুমাত্র "শিরোনাম"-এর প্যারামিটার আবশ্যক।

সাইট বা কাঠামো সম্পর্কিত সাধারণ তথ্য
  • নাম = প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক স্থান বা বৈশিষ্ট্যের নাম, যেমনটি তথ্যসূত্রে লেখা বা বানান করা হয়েছে (আবশ্যক)
  • native_name = Name in the local language or spelling (this displays below title if present). In some cases it is useful to mention two native names. For example, some ancient Greek cities in Turkey also have a name in Turkish beside their Greek and Latin (English) name. Both names can be mentioned in this entry if they are separated with the <br> tag to insert a line break. For example, in the case of Miletus Μίλητος<br>Milet is used.
  • alternate_name = Other name(s) by which the site is known. Most often this entry is used best for alternative names of the site in English. The transliteration of a foreign-language name into English often produces multiple English names with slightly different spellings. Displays as Alternative name for Engvar reasons.
  • image = Filename of image showing the site
  • imagealttext = Alternative text describing the image
  • caption = চিত্রের নীচে একটি বর্ণনার জন্য পাঠ্য।
  • map_type = Name of the map as displayed in Template:Location map/List, without the words "Location map"
  • map_alt = Alternative text describing the map
  • map_caption = A caption for the map, if this entry is removed a default caption "Shown in (map name)" will be given in case the map_type entry is filled
  • map_size = Width of map displayed. Leave empty or remove to get the default size of 220 pixels. In some cases this default does not work well for maps which are very wide, such as the map of Turkey. In that case the map size can be increased to 270. This does not increase the standard width of the whole infobox as long as an image is used in the infobox.
  • relief = Any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available. For additional information, see টেমপ্লেট:অবস্থান মানচিত্র#Relief parameter.
  • coordinates = {{coord}}
  • location = Area where the site is located, generally in the form of: town, province/state, possibly the administrative region and ending with the country. For example: Montalto di Castro, Province of Viterbo, Lazio, Italy for the article of Vulci.
  • region = Use to specify the geographical region of the site, either ancient, modern or both. For example, the Yucatán Peninsula, Attica or Mesopotamia. Do not mention administrative divisions such as provinces here, those should be put in the location entry.
  • type = Site type (tomb, fortification, encampment, temple, tumulus, settlement, etc.)
  • part_of = Name of main site, if part of larger site or complex
  • length = Length of site in meters/kilometers, converted to imperial units with Template:Convert, for example {{convert|50|m|abbr=on}}
  • width = Width of site in meters/kilometers, converted to imperial units with Template:Convert, for example {{convert|1|km|abbr=on}}
  • area = Area covered by the site or structure in hectare (or in square kilometers if exceeding 1 km2), converted to imperial acres (or square miles) with Template:Convert, for example {{convert|5|ha|abbr=on}}
  • volume =
  • diameter = Diameter of a circular structure such as a barrow.
  • circumference =
  • height = Greatest height of preserved remains in meters, converted to imperial units with Template:Convert
History of the site or structure
  • builder = If known, name of person or people who built the site
  • material = Significant construction materials (stone, plaster, concrete, brick, wood)
  • built = Year of construction: c. (circa) or period if year unknown (the label for this field appears as "Founded")
  • abandoned = Year went out of use or destroyed: c. (circa) or period if year unknown
  • epochs = Period(s) during which the site was in use (e.g., Bronze Age II–Iron Age I)
  • cultures = Cultures which evidence has shown to have occupied the site. This can be an archaeological culture but also a culture in the sense of a people. Mention the archaeological culture in the form of a noun minus the word "culture" and mention a people in the form of an adjective. For example, a wikilink to [[Vinča culture]] becomes [[Vinča culture|Vinča]]; [[Celts]] becomes [[Celts|Celtic]]. See Vinča-Belo Brdo for an example.
  • dependency_of = If a satellite dependency (e.g., outlying village, quarry, etc.), specify the controlling nearby city or site
  • occupants = Significant historical figures occupying or associated with the site
  • event = Significant historical event(s) associated with the site
Other information and notes about the site or structure
  • excavations = Years for major excavation work
  • archaeologists = Superintending archeologist(s)
  • condition = Present condition of the remains (no extant remains, restored, ruined, etc.)
  • ownership = Is the site on private or public property
  • management = Pertinent info about the management of the site (private manager, admission fee, etc.)
  • public_access = Is the site open to public visits (Yes, No, Limited)
  • website = Use only if the site has an official web presence. Use {{URL}} or simply [http://www.very-long-url-here.com Link description] if the link is too long
  • notes = any additional necessary explanatory notes

Up to 2 designations are allowed. Normally designations are listed in decreasing scope (i.e. an international designation first, followed by a national one, etc.). Each designation is represented by a colored bar, controlled by the {{Designation}} template. Though the Designation template is used in the background here, it can be used as a stand-alone template to create tables, lists, and even other infoboxes. For more information see Template:Designation/doc.

To display a designation, there are several templates. While no parameters are necessary, it is recommended that at least the designation date and reference number (if applicable) are known before adding the designation. For each designation (1-2) the following parameters may be used:

designation1 – Input the callname of the designation here. For a list of supported callnames, see Template:Designation/doc#Supported designations.

Example format – | designation1 = World Heritage Site

designation1_offname – The official name of the historic site, as listed in the register. If the official name is the same as the common name at the top of the infobox, this field is not necessary. If more than one name is included on the register, include all of them.

Example format – | designation1_offname = Obélisque antique

designation1_type – Some registers have certain types of designations (i.e. "Natural" and "Cultural", "Grade I" and "Grade II", etc.). If the type is closely associated with the designation, input that type here.

Example format – | designation1_type = Cultural

designation1_criteria – Some registers require sites to meet specific criteria (normally one or more items in a list) for inclusion. If the criteria is known, input it here.

Example format – | designation1_criteria = ii, iv

designation1_date – Date when the site received this designation. Normally this parameter needs a reference (make sure it is properly formatted).

Example format – | designation1_date = March 4, 1972<ref>{{cite web|...}}</ref>

delisted1_date – If a site has been removed from a designation's list, this is the date of delisting. Setting a value to this parameter causes the designation's color bar to turn grey and adds the word "Former" to the beginning. This parameter also needs a reference.

Example format – | delisted1_date = March 5, 1972<ref>{{cite web|...}}</ref>

designation1_partof – Some designations are part of larger designations (i.e. an individually designated building inside a designated district or an individually designated district in a designated city). For example, Ellis Island is a part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument; both are listed as New York City Landmarks. If the larger designation is listed on the same register, include the name of the larger designation here. If a Wikipedia article exists about that designation, link to it.

Example format – | designation1_partof = [[Statue of Liberty National Monument]]

designation1_number – Most registers include unique reference numbers for each site so that they can be searched for more easily than by name (There may be two Jones Houses on the register, but they have unique reference numbers). Include this reference number here.

Example format – | designation1_number = 70010045

For designation 2, these same parameters are used, only "designation1" in all the parameters is replaced by "designation2", "designation3", etc.

Custom designation parameters

Besides all of these hard-coded parameters there is also the possibility of adding up to 3 custom parameters for each designation. These can be used for information specific to that single register (such as "Region" for World Heritage Sites or "Multiple Property Submission" to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places). If there is anything extra needed to fully identify the designated site, include it here. designation1_free1name – The name (bolded part) of the 1st custom parameter you would like to identify.

Example format – | designation1_free1name = Region

designation1_free1value – The value to which you want to set the custom parameter.

Example format – | designation1_free1value = [[World Heritage Sites in Europe|Europe and North America]]

Up to three custom parameters can be named and defined for each parameter (| designation1_free2name =, | designation1_free2value =, etc.).

|other_designation= may be used for designations not covered by the above.


These parameters are for adding numbers or labels that uniquely identify the site in a database (e.g. national registers, widely used catalogues and gazetteer). Where available they will automatically generate a link to the site's entry in that database. The following databases are currently supported:




Palace of Potytles
Looking down onto tumbled, colorful ashlars
House of Potytles excavation (fictional)
বিকল্প নামPotytleon
অবস্থানIzmir (Smyrna)
যার অংশAcropolis
এলাকা২.০৫ কিমি (০.৭৯ মা)
প্রতিষ্ঠিতc. 480 BCE
পরিত্যক্তc. 430 BCE
সময়কালBronze II–Hellenistic
যার সাথে যুক্তPotytles, Cimon
স্থান নোটসমূহ
অবস্থাPartial restoration
ব্যবস্থাপনাPrivate concessionaire, entry fee
জনসাধারণের প্রবেশাধিকারNo
Active excavation
{{তথ্যছক প্রাচীন স্থান
| name = Palace of Potytles
| native_name =
| alternate_name = Potytleon
| image = Example svg.svg
| imagealttext = Looking down onto tumbled, colorful ashlars
| caption = House of Potytles excavation (fictional)
| map_type =
| map_alt =
| map_size =
| location = Izmir (Smyrna)
| region =
| type = Dwelling
| part_of = Acropolis
| length =
| width =
| area = {{convert|2.05|km2|abbr=on}}
| height =
| builder = Hyxixus
| material = Stone
| built = c. 480 BCE
| abandoned = c. 430 BCE
| epochs = Bronze II–Hellenistic
| cultures =
| dependency_of =
| occupants = Potytles, [[Cimon]]
| event =
| excavations =
| archaeologists =
| condition = Partial restoration
| ownership =
| management = Private concessionaire, entry fee
| public_access = No
| website =
| notes = Active excavation

বৃহত্তর সাইট[সম্পাদনা]

Ras Ibn Hani
رأس ابن هاني
A corridor built of ashlars leads to a ruined archway
A tomb at Ras Ibn Hani
Located on the Mediterranean coast of Syria
Located on the Mediterranean coast of Syria
সিরিয়ায় অবস্থান
বিকল্প নামBetyllion
অবস্থানLatakia, Syria
স্থানাঙ্ক৩৫°৩৫′৬″ উত্তর ৩৫°৪৪′৪৫.৬″ পূর্ব / ৩৫.৫৮৫০০° উত্তর ৩৫.৭৪৬০০০° পূর্ব / 35.58500; 35.746000
এলাকা২ হেক্টর (৪.৯ একর)
সময়কালLate Bronze–Early Byzantine
সংস্কৃতিCanaanite, Hellenistic, Roman
যার উপগ্রহUgarit
স্থান নোটসমূহ
মালিকানাMixed public and private
জনসাধারণের প্রবেশাধিকারPartial
Now is the site of Cote d'Azur
{{তথ্যছক প্রাচীন স্থান
| name = Ras Ibn Hani
| native_name = رأس ابن هاني
| native_name_lang = ar
| image = RasIbnHani,tomb1.jpg
| imagealttext = A corridor built of ashlars leads to a ruined archway
| caption = A tomb at Ras Ibn Hani
| map_type = Syria
| map_alt = Located on the Mediterranean coast of Syria

| coordinates = {{coord|35|35|6|N|35|44|45.6|E|display=inline}}
| location = [[Latakia]], [[Syria]]
| region =
| type = Settlement
| part_of =
| length =
| width =
| area = {{convert|2|ha|abbr=on}}
| height =
| builder =
| material = 
| built =
| abandoned =
| epochs = Late Bronze–Early Byzantine
| cultures = Canaanite, Hellenistic, Roman
| dependency_of = [[Ugarit]]
| occupants =
| event =
| excavations =
| archaeologists =
| condition =
| ownership = Mixed public and private
| public_access = Partial
| website =
| notes = Now is the site of [[Cote d'Azur, Syria|Cote d'Azur]]


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.


If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, use {{start date}} unless the date is before 1583 CE.

If it has a URL, use {{URL}}.

অনুগ্রহ করে, এই সাব-টেমপ্লেট দৃষ্টান্তটি অপসারণ করবেন না।


hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

অনুগ্রহ করে, নামান্তর বা এসব শ্রেণীসমূহকে অপসারণ কিংবা তাদের ব্যবহারকৃত আশ্রয়ী উপাদানসমূহকে লুকায়িত করবেন না।


স্থানাঙ্ক দেওয়ার সময়, অনুগ্রহ করে, উপযুক্ত স্তরের স্পষ্টতা ব্যবহার করুন। {{coord}} -তে |name= প্যারামিটার ব্যবহার করবেন না